Figma Releases

What's New
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- Shadow Spread: Adjust the positive and negative spread of your shadows to create better depth, glows, and borders.
- Learn more about this feature here
What's New
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- 哔咔加速器免费
- waifu怎么开启隐藏模式_waifu怎么开启隐藏模式最新资讯:2021-5-25 · waifu打开隐藏界面进去里世界_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili 2021年3月17日 - 哔咔隐藏开启就是先随便选个服务器,进去登陆后会弹出服务器选择,选火神服务器即可。
What's New
- Style Picker Improvements
- Color style list view: toggle between a list and grid view for color styles.
- Search bar: search for specific styles via the style name or description.
- Text style details: You can now see a text style’s font size and line height in list view.
- 哔咔加速器免费: the edit icon now appears in list view when you hover over styles.

What's New
⭐️ New
- Fine-tune your typography:
- Tweak the spacing for individual letters with ⌥< and ⌥> (Alt+< and Alt+>).
- Adjust the line height of individual paragraphs with ⇧⌥< and ⇧⌥> (Shift+Alt+< and Shift+Alt+>).
- New! Fine-tune font weights with ⌘⌥< and ⌘⌥> (Ctrl+Alt+<能上picacg的梯子.

⭐️ New
- Vector measurements: hold the Option or Alt key while in Vector Edit mode to see precise measurements between points and fine tune your icons, graphics, and illustrations

What's New
⭐️ New
- Webhooks: Better integrate Figma with your team’s favorite tools. Trigger actions in tools like Slack and Jira whenever a file or library is updated, commented on, published, and more. And, we’ve made them secure, reliable, and seamless for developers to maintain.
- Available on the Figma Pro and Organization plans
- Get started with developer documentation
- You can now adjust the scale of Figma’s user interface in the Desktop App. This can be found in the View menuApp Store 上的“TestFlight”:2021-12-11 · TestFlight 可让您轻松测试 iOS、Apple TVOS 和 watchOS App 的 Beta 版本,并在开发者将 App 发布到 App Store 前为他伔提供有价值的反馈。若要成为测试者,只需按照开发者的公共链接或其发送给您的电子邮件邀请中的链接操作即可。TestFlight 会打开,众便您接受邀请,然后安装开发者的 App。 测试 Beta 版App 时 ....
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